Beauty Choice is giving away one of their best products! A 4 in 1 clipless curling iron, one of my favorite products to use. I can't wait until one of my lucky viewers gets to have a curling iron set of their own!! See the rules for more details please :)
1) Must be subscribed to ILoveGerardo
2) Must "like" the beauty choice facebook page http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/BeautyChoice
3) Must be 18 years and older or have parents' permission to participate. (International entries ok)
4) Post on Beauty Choice's facebook page what your worst first date experience was.
5) Limit one entry per person.
6) Contest ends February 7th at midnight PST
Winner gets a Cortex Professional 4 in 1 Ceramic Clipless Curling Iron Set.
More detailed rules description:
Worst first date experience (win a Cortex curling iron!)
Like BeautyChoice.com on Facebook and post on our wall
your worst first date experience
Each subscriber needs like Beauty Choice on facebook and then post on
BC's wall what their worst first date experience.
Contest ends on February 7th at midnight PST.
The winner will be chosen at random.
Prizes will be sent directly from BeautyChoice.
Curling iron information
Cortex Professional 4 in 1 Ceramic Clipless Curling Iron Set
Promo Code: IRSCTX4
Valid until March 31st, 2011
$20 off Curling Iron
Check out my BC page!
Inspiration Photo:
Requested by:
Stay in touch with me!
Facebook fan page:
My blog: http://irisonyoutube.blogspot.com/
My twitter is combined with facebook. So all updates actually come from facebook :)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/IrisonYoutube
Here is the inspiration photo