Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is not me!

I recently got a message from a subscriber, writing me that someone was going around saying this person in the video (below) is me. I think it may be because the video is called "Iris Pin Up." She said that people were leaving comments on this channel, as if they were writing to me. I am writing this blog this to let you know, it is not me.

I would not pose with such little clothes. ANNNND this person looks nothing like me!

So, if you are one of those people who thought this was me...hope this straightens things out :)

(This blog is not intended to put down the lovely model in the video)

I have done some amateur modeling in the past. Below, is an example of a video of ME modeling (starting at :37 seconds.)


Have a fun day everyone :)


Elissa said...

anybody who thinks that is you, needs to get their eyes checked...again.

s. said...

You look gorgeous in that red dress! You're so pretty!

What I do

I make hair tutorials on YouTube. But I created this blog to connect with my fellow writers/bloggers. I've also created a myspace account, but I don't like the format for blogging. I'd rather blog here. As far as something to note about me: I rarely have will power when it comes to dieting. I'd rather eat what I want, but in moderation. I like girly stuff, but I don't like doing my own hair. I rarely do my own hair, so if you saw me in the street, you'd probably not recognize me. But if you ever saw me, I would love it if you came to say hi. Thanks for reading my blogs.