Sunday, May 31, 2009

Diet secrets

OK the toughest part for me, when it comes to maintaining my weight is dieting. I just love food. Here are some of the foods, I have trouble saying no to.

Cookies and cookie dough

Chocolate anything




Right now, I am about 10 lbs over my usual weight of 127lbs. I am 5'6" and I now weigh about 137 lbs. I am trying to lose the weight, but am struggling.

My diet secrets include, keeping lots of sugar free gum handy, eating a lollipop when everyone else is having cake for dessert. See's lollipops are really good. Drinking a tall glass of milk when I just can't take it anymore and need junk food. Drinking water.

Do you have any to share?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just made this easy breakfast

Hubby is sleeping in today, so I have a lot of extra time to whip something up, while I clean around the house.

Preheated the oven to 350º F

I used Louis Rich Turkey bacon.

But you can use any kind of bacon you like.

I cut up about 4 strips of bacon and put them on the bottom of an oven safe casserole dish:

Sprinkled some shredded cheese on top of the bacon

In a mixing dish, I beat 4 eggs and 1/2 c of milk. You can use any kind of milk you prefer: half and half, skim, whole etc...

We had some left over hash browns, so I threw those in there. You can choose to add onions, tomatoes...whatever tickles your fancy

Season to taste. I added salt and pepper

Pour the egg mixture over the bacon and cheese

Bake for 30 minutes

and walk away....

Come back 30 minutes later to this!

Lip care

I've noticed that as I've become older, now that I am into my early 30s, my lips are also looking older.
Here's a picture of me when I was about 16

My lips, although they are covered in 1990's lipstick (LOL) were very plump.

I've noticed that they CAN look like they did when I was 16, if I do these things:

1) Drink plenty of water (about 3 liters a day,)

2) Use Vaseline on my lips every night before going to bed,

3) Use a chapstick with SPF sun protectant, daily.

4) Days when I don't have time to reapply lipstick all day, I keep a chapstick or gloss in my pocket and apply it every few hours.

5) I don't lick my lips!

6) Occasionally, I use a lip plumper.

7) I also exfoliate my lips with warm water and a tooth brush.

Smoking doesn't help the look of lips either. I don't smoke.

Here are some videos of my favorite lip products

What do you do to care for your lips?

Friday, May 29, 2009

I <3 ASL

Lately, I've been so interested in ASL.
Why? Well, my husband took a class in college and he knows a few signs here and there. It's been very convenient to talk to each other from a far distance.

On Memorial Day, we were at Frank Bonelli park in San Dimas, CA. If you've ever been there you know it's a huge park. I was running around, away from the family, with our dog, when hubby started calling our dog to go to him, from a far distance (about 300 feet away.)

Our dog wouldn't go to hubby, which is not typical of our obedient dog. I could clearly see it was because the dog had to poop and was looking for a place to go. So I turned over to my husband and signed the word "poop."
It was funny but very useful :)

I know this is random, but here's a channel I've subscribed to and have been enjoying for the purpose of learning more signs:

I know there are tons of channels that show ASL, but I really like this person's method of interpreting song. I enjoy his facial expressions and I find myself LEARNING instead of just staring. You may have seen his video featured on my page. I look forward to learning more signs and using them in every day life.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

"What in the world is your nationality?"

My parents are both Mexican. Dad is from Nayarit. Mom is from Ensenada.

My mom, however; was adopted. Her biological parents were possibly Indian (mom) and French (dad) It was said to her that her father had blond hair and blue eyes and that her mother was dark skinned.

I was born in East Los Angeles, CA and I consider myself a Mexican-American. My first language was Spanish. I didn't speak English until some time within my kindergarten year. I remember being in class my first day and not understanding the teacher. That didn't cause any problems for me, though, I was a good student :)

This picture was taken in 2001. My parents and I at La Fonda in Los Angeles.

I have been asked if I am:
-Japanese mix
-Puerto Rican
-Native American

But nope.

So there. Hope that answers that question.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pin up doll basics

What do you need to have a basic pin up doll look?

I would say:

1) False eye lashes

2) Red lipstick and lip liner

3) Clothing basics: Denim pedal pushers, plaid top, cherry print top, A-line skirt

4) Shoes: Wedges, or pumps

Align Center

5) Hair accessories: bobby pins, flower hair clips, bandanas

6) Hair tools: Curling iron, flat iron

7) A good pin up hair tutorial :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Shakira-Illegal Hair Tutorial

Hair tutorial request by bblbtt123

In this video, I demonstrate how to do the look Shakira has in her music videoShakira's music video:

Tools used:
Gold 'N Hot Professional Spring Grip Curling Iron (1-1/4")
Babyliss Pro Ceramic Hair Setter (5 Rollers)

*** Order any of the two products(hair setter or culring iron) and get a free Zebra striped Carlucci bag.

Check out the links
Hair setter
Curling iron
Cosmetic case
The coupon code is IRISDAY
Coupon is good for the first 50 orders.

OMG I just tried this and it worked

I tried this to get my hair out of my face, just now and it worked! Amazing LOL!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How and where to wear flowers in your hair

For pin up looks

The thing about wearing flowers in your hair is that you can be as versatile as you want. But there are limitations and places on your head where you shouldn't wear flowers.

Here are some do's and don'ts

Do wear one or more flower on the side. Notice I said one or more. This means you don't have to wear just one flower on the side .But make sure you don't over do it.

Don't wear more than 3 small flowers on one side. In my opinion, you shouldn't wear more than 3. If you must wear more than 3, try spreading them out like a headband of flowers.

Do wear a flower close to the top of your head in an updo.

Don't wear it near the center of the front of your head or anywhere near your forehead.

Do wear large flowers in your hair. Especially toward the back of your hair, in an updo.

Don't wear them TOO large and too close to your face.
Wearing them closer to your face, in my opinion, is too distracting for every day wear. Unless, you are part of some sort of a show, or photo shoot, keep a larger flower away from your beautiful face.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A difficult but AWESOME updo

For this look, all you would need to do is pin your hair up.
Instead of pinning the ends of your hair, inward, such as with a french twist, you would loop the ends of your hair.

The best hair for this look would be shoulder length hair (and no longer)
Anything longer would cause the loops to be HUGE on top of your head. Too dramatic for me. I don't like the loops to give you a "Mickey Mouse" ears look on top of your head.

Anyway, if you all like this look, and don't understand my written tutorial, let me know and I will make a video about it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tarantula Clothing's Dance Scene

OMG! I love Tarantula Clothing's clothes, but look at how cute their Dance Scene is!
I am so in love!

Dance Scene - Episode 1 from MisaGarcia on Vimeo.

Favorite pin up make up

This is one of my favorite make up methods to acompany any pin up look! Check out Amy on youtube.

What do you think about these shoes?

My good friend bought these shoes for me after I saw her wearing them in one of her pictures in her myspace profile. By the time I decided to wear them, my feet were kinda big! Ah sucks!

What do you think about them?

A couple of hair styles I would love to try

I wish I could do all kinds of looks with MY hair.

But just like the rest of us, there is only so much that you could do with your own hair.

For example, this shot of Katherine Heigl.

First thing I would need, besides golden blond hair, is fine, shiny hair. My hair is thick!
If I had fine shiny hair, this look would be easy.
All I would need is to set it with big hot rollers and then wave the top with a 2 inch curling iron. Spray it all with hair spray and voila!

Here's another cute look, you could do with a waver iron and a cute hair clip. For this look, you will need short, shoulder length hair. I guess you could do it with longer hair, but look at how darling this looks with short hair!

Use a heat protectant, then add some mousse to towel dried hair. Wave your hair, except for the bangs. You can also choose to flat iron your bangs to one side. Add a cute clip and you are done!

Too cute!

Where I get my accessories

People are always asking me where I get my accessories.

I buy them any where I see them. Walking through clothing stores, if I see something I like, I grab it. Sometimes even at dollar stores or a mom and pop shops. You never know where you will see something you can use to accessorize.

But if you want me to recommend a place where you can get some really cute ones that are hand made, with creative care, check out these shops:
  • Jenny's Vintage Handbags
  • Billies Blue Boutique
  • Riveting Rosies

Jenny's vintage handbags:

Jenny makes these flowers and other items from the comfort of her home. She is a stay at home mom and I greatly admire her for that. Check out more of her items, by clicking her myspace page here.

Here are a couple of my favorite.

I recently featured Jenny's work in my Burlesque hair tutorial.

And also check out Billies Blue Boutique

She hand makes all of her earrings and may I say that they are so dainty and feminine. I wear these every day or with a vintage outfit. She can also custom make flowers, if you contact her via her website.
Actually, I plan to feature some of her items in my next video.

Here are some of my favorite:

Click here for her myspace page.

And last but not least, there is Riveting Rosies

Her hair flowers come with a touch of glitter. They are just so adorable and look well with any casual or formal look:

I will be featuring her flowers in some upcoming videos as well.

What I do

I make hair tutorials on YouTube. But I created this blog to connect with my fellow writers/bloggers. I've also created a myspace account, but I don't like the format for blogging. I'd rather blog here. As far as something to note about me: I rarely have will power when it comes to dieting. I'd rather eat what I want, but in moderation. I like girly stuff, but I don't like doing my own hair. I rarely do my own hair, so if you saw me in the street, you'd probably not recognize me. But if you ever saw me, I would love it if you came to say hi. Thanks for reading my blogs.