Thursday, December 31, 2009
What's been going on with Iris
I think you may like to hear about what is going on in my life. As you may or may not know, I am a mom. It takes a lot to be a good mom, a good wife, a good employee, a good housekeeper, a good cook, a good YouTube video maker, a good dog mom and a good friend.
When you juggle this much, some things get dropped.
But for the most part, I try to keep everything afloat.
The holidays have been great to me. I love everything that came with it. My husband bought me a lot of cool things this year for my videos! Isn't he great? You will always hear me boast about him, hence my screen name.
He bought me 2 coastal scents shadow palettes: 1 regular and one shimmer, I also love to continue to use the Personi. You will see me make a lot of videos with that palette.
He bought me a set of mac brushes and a Stila blending brush.
I got some ankle weights for my walks with baby and dog (which I LOVE and wanted!)
We spent the evening at my in laws. Hubby's brother and his family came over. It's always nice to spend time with them.
I ate so much though! I ate about 5 tamales that night. I know I gained some weight LOL! But I have been working out. Why just the other day, I went to the gym and burned a lot. I am still sore and it's been 3 days since that hard workout. I also went yesterday. I plan on going today.
I always have these ideas for making videos. But the problem is, it takes me about 1 hour to get things ready: set up, lighting, makeup, tools etc. About 40 minutes to shoot because I have to stop and start, stop and start to get the right angles etc. And then about 1-2 hours to edit a video! With a baby, that's tough to do all at once. I do it in spurts. As you can imagine, I don't get to do all of the ideas I have in my head.
Perhaps when our baby gets older? I don't know.
What I am looking forward to in 2010? To be better at everything I do.
For now, I want to thank all of you who have stuck around in 2009, watching my videos. Thank you for following my blog. I wish more of you who read this, would comment and not just move on. It's nice to see that people actually read what I write. It motivates me to come back and write more.
Hope you are doing well and best wishes for you and yours!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Where I get my hair cut and styled

I try to get my hair cut every 6 weeks, but being a new mom, it's been tough to be constant.
It was wonderful. I totally loved how my hair came out. My hair feels so light :) My stylist's blow drying skills are amazing. I wish I had her to do my hair every day :)

Anyway, if you are in the Southern Cali area, and need a new do, give her a call.
Ask for Mary. Tell her Iris on You Tube sent you.
Cache' Full Services Salon
102 W Foothill Blvd, Glendora, CA
(626) 852-1128
Friday, November 27, 2009
Weezer girl hair
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A class act!!!
Recently, I saw this video she made in gratitude for her favorite make up guru, Petrilude
I was so impressed by the fact that she admired him so much and made an effort to credit him and make a video thanking him for his work. You don't know how much I admire that in people. She could have easily taken his ideas, or have been inspired by his work, made them her own and credited them as her own. But no, she took the high road.
I think she will be another rising star on you tube because of this. Currently, she has over 23k subscribers and I know it's because her ideas and creativity are ORIGINAL. And when she copies or is inspired, she gives credit. I LOVE IT!!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My next attempted look
You can see her look starting at 1:19.
So cute. I hope I have time to record it tonight!
Friday, October 30, 2009
I was pregnant in these videos
This was my first pregnant video. I was about 2 months along here. I had NO idea what my body was in for in the coming months! I was still small and actually wore a bikini to the beach, when we went to Miami.
I think in most videos, though I was glowing. Around this time, I was planning on being an eyeball for Halloween, using my big round stomach as the iris of an eye. But I was too lazy to put it together. I didn't dress up after all for Halloween. Bummer.
This was my worst looking video. I was soooo tired. And I was a little anemic.
I actually got several comments from people asking me if I was ok and to take care of myself.
In this one, I was just a few days away from giving birth. It was my last pregnant video. I can tell you that I was HUGE and wasn't sleeping well. I know this was filmed early in the morning. My husband was still asleep. I got up, went for a walk with Zero, the dog, took a shower, got ready and it was still like 7 am, when I was filming.
If you are curious want to look for more of my pregnant videos, go to the Spring through Winter 2008 videos. You will see my preggo face in all of those :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Your you tube channel-I want to subscribe
I want to subscribe to you.
What is your channel about?
How many videos do you currently have on your channel?
On average, how many minutes are your videos?
How often do you upload a NEW video?
What makes you different from other you tube channels, with the same type of topic?
How is the quality of your video? (Can I hear you well? Is the lighting good? Is it focused?)
Anything else you can do to entice me to come check out your you tube channel?
Remember to post the link to your channel. OR give me your channel name. Make sure it's spelled correctly :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
This is not me!
I would not pose with such little clothes. ANNNND this person looks nothing like me!
So, if you are one of those people who thought this was me...hope this straightens things out :)
(This blog is not intended to put down the lovely model in the video)
I have done some amateur modeling in the past. Below, is an example of a video of ME modeling (starting at :37 seconds.)
Have a fun day everyone :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Pole dancing?
My friend insists that pole dancing is the next best thing for losing weight. Seriously? It sounds so sleazy...
Where do I get a pole anyway?
I've been looking online and they are SUPER expensive. I'm talking $200-$300.
Then I find this one on line.
If the link doesn't take you there, search for the "hot pink dance pole kit" in this website. It's pretty cool.
The Dance Pole goes up fast and can be easily taken down. Pretty good price too, compared to the other expensive ones I've seen. Am I gonna try it? Maybe!
Check out these awesome videos on how to exercise on a pole :)
Taking Halloween hair tutorial requests!!!
I've already done these two. Have you seen them?
Send me some more requests for hair tutorials for Halloween! Halloween is around the corner!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Chinese Laundry Handbags

I just got this coupon code in my email. It's supposed to be only for me, but I wanted to pass it on to you :)
Chinese Laundry Handbags Sale - 10.00% Off
Valid: 10/13/2009 - 11/15/2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Pin up style Snow white video uploaded!
Check it out! Please be sure to stop by You Tube and rate it!
Part 2 is here!Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Got my costume!

Friday, September 25, 2009
Dropping weight
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Flower girl hair styles
Friday, September 18, 2009
Bump its for thin hair
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hair accessories haul video!!!
Here's a quick haul video I made for you bloggers exclusively, for now.
I will post it on youtube another time.
Don't forget to leave me a comment ;)
Flower links below:
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Smokey Eye-ris pictures
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I'm on youtube's SPOTLIGHT!!!!!
If you haven't today, go to the main page. I am in the SPOTLIGHT area!
Geez people are mean :)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Halloween costumes

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Zebra print nails
This first one is by Beautybypinky-Who seems to have only 230 subscribers. But her channel is a lot of fun :)
Here is another guru, who I can't believe just had a baby. She is so beautiful and slim already! She has a cute take on zebra nails. Check her out. Her channel name is sccastaneda and she is pretty popular. I am actually gonna be doing a video response to her video (Tonight. I hope)
And if you are into gel nails, here's a unique channel, that provides tutorials about inverted designs. Check out their channel called InvertedNailSytems
Saturday, August 22, 2009
![]() | |
Dear ilovegerardo,Thank you for your interest in the YouTube Partner Program. Our goal is to extend invitations to as many partners as we can. Unfortunately we are unable to accept your application at this time. Your account does not contain sufficient original new content that represents the uniqueness of our community. Applications are reviewed for a variety of criteria, including but not limited to the size of your audience, country of residence, quality of content, and consistency with our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. Please review the program qualifications ( for a complete list of our criteria. As we continue to expand we hope to be able to accept a broader group of partners. We have registered your interest in the program and will continue to monitor your account for potential future acceptance into the program. Thank you for your understanding. |
Friday, August 21, 2009
Applied for a YT partnership
Your application was submitted successfully! We will contact you with the next steps via email once we have reviewed your application."
This will be the 2nd time I've applied. Last time I was denied. I know I have some old videos with copyright music in it. I am willing to delete them or audioswap. But not sure if they will allow it.
Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Videos without music
Does it make you not watch as long?
Does it bother you?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hot Miami Styles
And HMS is a cute store to shop in!
I recently made 2 videos about 2 dresses and I have one more coming. I truly hope you guys enjoy these videos, because I am having FUN making them!
Get free shipping worldwide, with coupon code: IRIS

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Survey on contests!!!
I actually played in one and I couldn't believe that I won!
I always want to participate in other contests, but since I am a guru, I feel like I shouldn't. Like people might say it isn't fair that I participate etc... although I am just like all of the participants.
Anyway, I've been wanting to have a contest of my own. But I am not sure how you guys would like it.
Let me know:
1) What kind of prizes would you like to see from me?
2) Do you like a first place winner only or a 2nd, 3rd, 4th....?
3) If you like more than one winner, how many winners should there be?
4) What do you think is a fair way to determine the winner?
5) How long do you like for the contest to last?
6) What kind of contest would you suggest for my channel?
Anyway, send me your opinions!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Selena Quintanilla Fan

I couldn't afford to buy it, so I sat there and listened to it on their headphones.
I loved her voice!
While I was in high school, I remember a lot of people telling me that I really resembled Selena. This made me so happy, because I thought she was so pretty and back in the day, my self esteem was way low.
When I was about to graduate from high school, is when the tragedy happened and Selena was killed. She became SUPER popular after that. People who never knew of her, were crowded by the news reports about her death.
After her death, I was told that there would be a movie production about her life. They were reporting auditions for the part of Selena. Do any of you remember that? So many friends and family asked me to go. But my parents, being the Christians that they are, didn't think that I should EVER do anything that required me to perform for the world.
Side story: I remember telling my mom, I wanted to be a news caster when I grew up. She told me that, it was a good career, but that as a "negative" I would be spending most of my money on clothes. God rest my mom's soul, she was only trying to be helpful. Ultimately, I decided not to pursue that career because one of my friends from school had a brother who became a famous news caster for a Spanish channel. He was NEVER home. Always busy working. I didn't want that lifestyle.
Now, that I am in my 30s, I am much more secure in myself. When people tell me I look like Selena, in person, I usually do a little dance for them and say "bidi bidi bom bom!" It cracks people up. During family reunions, I will impersonate her and do Selena Karaoke (By the way, in NO WAY can I sing like her. It's just karaoke.) It makes people clap, smile and be happy.
It's videos like this one, that make me have fun by playing Selena.
But then I see videos like this one;
And I realize, it's not funny.
I am torn between celebrating one of my favorite artists by impersonating her. And understanding she is being mourned by the ones she loved.
Anyway, I wanted to write this blog because I get a lot of comments from people asking me if I know that I look like her.
I've wanted to do a Selena look on my channel to dedicate to her...
I did a Marilyn Monroe look, but for some reason, it doesn't hurt as much to consider one for Selena. Maybe her death has really impacted me because it happened in my lifetime.
Perhaps, you will see a Selena look in my channel. She had a lot of cool hair styles, although most of them are 90s looks :)
RE-Uploading old videos
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Some are SUPER nice! And I notice the same commentors coming back again and again. It's nice to see people who like to hear about or see what I have to show. I'm nobody, so when you are there listening to me, it means a lot!
Teaching people what I've learned is very entertaining for me. Thank you for your nice comments. I know most stuff I teach is NOT new, but not every one knows how to...
Others are mean spirited, but I can honestly sense a little bit of jealousy.
Let me explain: In my videos, I am being a teacher and showing (those who don't know how to do what I am doing) how to do different styles. I continue to get comments from girls telling me how ugly I am, how my hair style is ugly, my dress is ugly. I sit there reading the comments like that and ask: Really? Did you have to let me know that you think I am ugly? Did you realize this video is not about my looks?Did you realize this video is to teach people what I know, for free?
Of course, the same doesn't go for those of you who tell me I am pretty LMAO! *blushing*
Then, there are the really ignorant comments. People who don't watch the entire video and then make ignorant comments. Like in my 99 cent store haul. If you watch the end of the video, I mention that YES everything at the 99 cent store is cheap. But I still got a bunch of comments from girls saying that the 99 cent store was beneath them! LOL Ay ay ay!
OK seriously, how do you deal with rude/ignorant/mean comments (in person, online, on your videos etc) ?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Favorite era?
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Vintage Yard Sale!!!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Size 7 shoes-$3.99

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How I keep my hair healthy
I know you gals see me using heat products in my videos, but believe you me, I don't use them every day. I mainly use them for when I go out somewhere special or for when I make a video demo for you all. Here is some more information on how I keep my hair healthy.
1) I make sure that I eat what I am supposed to eat and stay away from what I shouldn't. Basically, staying away from anything that has been created by a factory.
I do eat veggies, fish, chicken, fruits, natural grains, water, milk. Try to stay away from chips, fast food, soda, sugar filled drinks etc..All the natural foods, have the right nutrients for your skin, nails and hair.
2) Get good rest. I sleep at least 8 hours a day. Some nights, you will catch me up at 12-1 am. This is not good for you at all. Go to bed at the same time every day. Sleep helps the body to recover over all. It is really good for your skin and hair too.
3) Exercise! Hair loss can be triggered by stress. Stress can be reduced by exercising. Get in a 30 minute brisk walk, every day-Yes even on the weekends.
4) Again, stay away from heat products as much as possible. Here's a look you WILL catch me with if you see me in the street, unless I've been somewhere special: I wash my hair and while it's wet, I run a small drop of baby oil or non-fragrant lotion through my hair. I put it in a loose braid as it air-dries (on my way to work or whatever) When I get to where I am going, I release my hair and pin it where needed with bobby pins.
5) Unless you really need to, don't wash your hair every day. The day you don't wash your hair, take a brush and brush the natural oils in your hair down, as close to the tip of your hair as possible.
6) Get your hair trimmed at least every 4-6 weeks. Trim off about 1/2 inch.
7) Don't pull on your hair when you are de-tangling it. Be gentle and start from the bottom up.
8) Don't dye your hair light so often. This includes highlights and going any lighter shade.
So, those are the things, I can quickly think of.
Here are some videos I made a while back. The sound quality is not so great because I had a noisy PC once upon a time.
Part 1
Part 2
Thursday, July 9, 2009
You don't need to speak Japanese
Anyway, here is her video. I am subscribing :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Pin up doll-Hawaiian Luau
In case you haven't seen this video, here is my latest pin up doll look.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Meeting some subbies in person!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Another pin up look!
If you would also like to see a video tutorial on any of these, let me know too.
I'd love to hear from you.
This look works best for girls with shoulder, full-length hair, who don't have a fringe or bangs.
You will need plenty of bobby pins, hair clip to set hair aside, hair spray a brush and a flower (optional)
- Start by sectioning what would be your bangs and put them aside.
- Take a section from each side of your hair and curve them inward.
- Take some bobby pins and pin them in.
- Take the rest of your hair, from the back area and put it in a french twist. Pin that in.
- The bang or fringe area should be teased from behind and then pulled up.
- Start curling it down with your hands and pin the back part in.
Finish the look off with a flower and you are done!
I want to make a video about this look, if you guys are interested in seeing it.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
1960s Classic Bouffant Hairstyle
Done by Strawberrykoivintage
Check her out!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Another vintage hair do
You will need bobby pins, hair spray, hair dryer, a curling iron, a brush and a flower
- Start with clean hair.
- Section your hair top and bottom.
- Spray the top part with hair spray from roots to about midway
- Blow dry upside down, while teasing a little with a brush.
- Part your hair to the side.
- Shape your hair the way you want it to "poof" on both sides
- Pin your sections down with as many bobby pins as necessary
- Curl your hair and release the curling iron in a downward motion to create curled locks
- Spray the style with hair spray
- Add a flower on the side!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Vintage-esque inspired hair (for long hair)
"Quick Makeover video" Pictures
Here are pictures of the final look

Click here for the make up kit: Personi Beauty Collection with Free Lash Curler & Brush Kit

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Swing dancing!
If you can't afford to take lessons, I think this is the next best thing!
I think swing dance is soooo cute!
Iris on You Tube.